What We Do

We keep kids in school and out of the juvenile justice system. We provide high-impact training and tools to teach youth and young adults to take responsibility for their actions and contribute to a healthier community.

The organization has read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Services statewide: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Training: Yes

Facilitation Services

Victim Offender Dialogue
Victim Offender Conference
Circle Processes (Please specify below)
School-Based Restorative Practices

Training Services

Conference Facilitator Training
Circle Facilitator Training
School-Based Restorative Practices Training

Harm Addressed

Community conflict
Racism/historical harm
Bias-motivated harm
Substance related offenses
School violations such as interpersonal conflicts, bullying, verbal or physical assault, drugs/alcohol, property damage, and he/she said misunderstandings.

Who Can Make Refferals

Community Members
School (K-12)
Law Enforcement
Department of Youth Services
Department of Human Services
Faith-Based Organizations

Counties Served

El Paso

Service Location

525 Rolling Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, Colorado, 80919, United States

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