What We Do

Our PD training is called Think BIG & be SMART 4R students.™ is a student-centered and restorative practice-based approach to giving the school staff the tools they need to develop positive relationships with students. At its core are these fundamental beliefs:
Relationships are critical to a positive and productive teacher/student dynamic.
There is always an explanation for the behavior of young people. Part of an educator’s job is to discover why their students act in specific ways.

The organization has read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Services statewide: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Training: Yes

Facilitation Services

School-Based Restorative Practices

Training Services

Circle Facilitator Training
Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training
School-Based Restorative Practices Training

Harm Addressed

Racism/historical harm
Bias-motivated harm
With offer Professional Development to K12 School districts in the are of Restorative Practices.

Who Can Make Refferals

School (K-12)

Counties Served

All Counties

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