What We Do
Restorative Practices is a philosophy and practice, not just a curriculum, focusing on building positive relationships and providing opportunities for community members to take responsibility for their behavior while remaining connected to the community. An intentional Restorative approach fosters a compassionate, relationship-centered culture. Research continues to demonstrate the beneficial outcomes of using restorative practice techniques in schools, rather than traditional punitive approaches, in response to student misbehavior. These include decreasing student delinquency, better academic outcomes, and improvement of overall school climate.
The organization has read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Services statewide: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Training: Yes
Facilitation Services
Circle Processes (Please specify below)
School-Based Restorative Practices
School-Based Restorative Practices
Our program is focused on a multi-step strategy working with a school through assessment to training and coaching. Our approach is always customizable and built on the specific needs of the school or institution to create a sustainable Restorative Practices culture.
Training Services
Conference Facilitator Training
Circle Facilitator Training
Volunteer and Community Member Training
Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training
School-Based Restorative Practices Training
Circle Facilitator Training
Volunteer and Community Member Training
Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training
School-Based Restorative Practices Training
Harm Addressed
Community conflict
Racism/historical harm
Bias-motivated harm
Property crimes
Racism/historical harm
Bias-motivated harm
Property crimes
Bullying, truancy
Who Can Make Refferals
Community Members
School (K-12)
School (K-12)
Counties Served
All Counties