About My Services

Rooted in Restorative Justice Principles, Center for Restorative Programs (CRP) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that seeks to recognize harms and restore equity as much as possible through safe and trauma-responsive programming. CRP’s service area includes the six counties of the San Luis Valley: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, and Saguache.

In 1995, a group of local San Luis Valley leaders came together to address issues like discrimination, over-criminalization, and social inequality that were often left unresolved by the criminal justice system. CRP’s initial programming was grounded in Restorative Justice Diversion to help lessen the disproportionate penetration of minority youth into systems involvement.

Since CRP’s inception, staff and volunteers have facilitated over 2,500 restorative interventions with youth. We have also provided skills training to over 3,000 youth and youth-serving adults, to empower them with social emotional skills (emotion management, empathy, responsibility, initiative, and problem solving) for non-violent conflict resolution. Youth who complete a Restorative Justice program through CRP are 33% less likely to reoffend in the following year.

Through CRP’s mission to strengthen community in the San Luis Valley by building connection, transforming conflict and healing relationships, we dedicate ourselves to empowering and uplifting our community, and finding productive ways forward from incidents of harm. CRP’s programs are grounded in dialogue, accountability, and reconciliation, and are designed to provide participants with opportunities to build empathy, establish ownership over their futures, and use strengths to accomplish their goals.

CRP has grown intentionally and sustainably in response to myriad community needs. While youth Restorative Justice Diversion remains central to our work, programming now includes a broad array of prevention and intervention services.

Youth and Adult Restorative Justice Diversion, including Victim-Offender Dialogue, ReThinking Substances, and Traffic Circle group restorative interventions.

Restorative Practices in San Luis Valley schools to build strong cultures through individualized programming that includes personalized timetables, trainings and interventions.

Restorative Community Services

Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) offers alternative solutions to incarceration for low level offenders through specialized intensive case management support and services.
New Pathway into Community Case Management Supports coming this spring that will offer specialized intensive case management support and services to individuals who are referred through other community agencies in the SLV.
Restorative Family Support Services such as our High-Fidelity Wraparound program, provide personalized plans of care for children with complex needs and their families. A Wraparound team brings together youth, family, professionals, and people already in the family’s life to create and realize a strengths-based plan, develop self-efficacy, and increase natural supports.
Strengthen community in the San Luis Valley by building connection, transforming conflict, and healing relationships
Restorative Practices are the foundation of a healthy and just community throughout the San Luis Valley.
We all have a need for healthy connection and relationship with others. All people deserve the opportunity to build healthy relationships rooted in deep understanding.
Community is built on complex and interdependent relationships, including interpersonal, organizational, and systemic. A healthy community requires mutual understanding and respect rooted in deep listening and authentic communication.
Meaningful Accountability
Our words and actions have ripples of impact. True accountability is possible when we own the impact of our words and actions; when we take responsibility for our own behaviors and allow others to take responsibility for theirs; and when we strive to repair harms as meaningfully as possible.
Equity and Justness
We currently live in a society where systemic obstacles in the justice system, education, and access to resources often negatively impact marginalized groups. Preventing and repairing harm in individual relationships and within systems helps interrupt racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of oppression, allowing everyone to have greater access to achieving their full potential.
We all have the right to transform our lives and heal from the impact of harm we have caused or experienced. When we have agency to act and speak on our own behalf we grow stronger and more resilient.
Every person has dignity and value. Our community is stronger when each person has an opportunity to be heard and respected, particularly those that have been historically marginalized.

Message the Provider

I have read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards:


I offer Restorative Justice Services statewide:

Why I don't offer Restorative Justice services statewide:

I offer Restorative Justice Training:


Facilitation Services caret icon

  • Community Group Conferences
  • Family Group Conferences
  • Victim Offender Dialogue
  • Victim Offender Conference
  • Hi-Impact Victim Offender Dialogue
  • Family Group Decision Making
  • ReThinking Substances
  • Circle Processes (Please specify below)
  • School-Based Restorative Practices

Training Services caret icon

  • Circle Facilitator Training
  • Volunteer and Community Member Training
  • Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training
  • School-Based Restorative Practices Training

Harm Addressed caret icon

  • Community conflict
  • Family harm/parenting
  • Racism/historical bias-motivated harm
  • Bias-motivated harm
  • Theft
  • Traffic violations
  • Crimes Against Persons
  • Property crimes
  • Substance related offenses
  • Violent Crimes
  • Victim Rights Act (VRA)

Who Can Make Refferals caret icon

  • School (K-12)
  • University
  • Law Enforcement
  • Courts
  • Probation
  • Prosecutors
  • Defense Attorneys
  • Victim Advocates
  • Department of Youth Services
  • Department of Human Services

Counties Served

Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache

Service Location

716 Main St., Alamosa, Colorado, 81101, United States

DISCLAIMER * Colorado Coordinating Council on Restorative Justice (RJ Council) is not a regulatory body. All information contained in the RJ Directory is self-reported and the RJ Council does not monitor, edit or attest to the accuracy of the information. Members are encouraged to update their information regularly. Users are encouraged review the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct and Standards of Training and Practice to understand the expectations of the field and consider this document when identifying and selecting a practitioner that will meet your

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