What We Do

Through the Boulder DA's restorative justice program, diversion participants, victims and harmed individuals, community members, and family members are empowered to participate in a voluntary, facilitated restorative justice process that supports the person who committed the crime to take meaningful responsibility and repair the harm created by their actions. RJ participants report overwhelming satisfaction with the RJ process - 99% of victims and community members and 95% of defendants were satisfied, and 100% of victims who participated said the process met their needs and helped people move forward from the incident. The Boulder DA's Office was one of the first district attorney's offices in the country to create an in-house restorative justice program, and is a national leader in smart criminal justice reform. Our office also partners with community-based restorative justice programs.

The Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice (CPRJ) in the Boulder District Attorney's Office offers a range of diversionary programs for adults and juveniles that provide an alternative to prosecution in appropriate cases, as well as a specialized Mental Health Diversion Program that diverts eligible participants directly into treatment. CPRJ’s restorative diversion model uses diversion services and restorative practices concurrently: interventions such as diversion supervision to build skills and connect participants to community-based services to address underlying needs, and restorative justice practices to hold participants meaningfully accountable, meet victims’ needs, repair harm from the crime, and support community reintegration. CPRJ’s restorative diversion programs reduce the damaging collateral consequences of a criminal conviction while supporting meaningful accountability and repair of harm to victims and others who were affected by the offense. CPRJ diverts more than 600 cases each year, including more than 50% of district and county court juvenile cases.

CPRJ offers restorative justice services in appropriate adult and juvenile diversion cases, and provides training to volunteers, the community, system partners, and district attorney's offices about restorative justice practices and principles, including RJ Basics, RJ for Community Members, and RJ Facilitator trainings.

Please contact Erin Siffing at esiffing@bouldercounty.gov for more information.

The organization has read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards: Yes
The organization offers Restorative Justice Services statewide: No
The organization offers Restorative Justice Training: Yes

Facilitation Services

Community Group Conferences
Victim Offender Dialogue
Victim Offender Conference
Process addressing Drinking (e.g. ReThinking Drinking)
Process addressing Substance Use (e.g. ReThinking Substances)
Process addressing Shoplifting (e.g. ReStore)
Circle Processes (Please specify below)
Group restorative process for substance-related offenses

Training Services

Conference Facilitator Training
Volunteer and Community Member Training
Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training

Harm Addressed

Bias-motivated harm
Crimes Against Persons
Property crimes
Substance related offenses
Violent Crimes
Victim Rights Act (VRA)

Who Can Make Refferals

Law Enforcement
Defense Attorneys
Victim Advocates

Counties Served


Service Location

1117 6th Street, Boulder, Colorado, 80302, United States

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