18th Judicial District Diversion Counseling Program
About My Services
The Diversion Counseling Program applies a restorative justice model to resolving cases. Restorative justice requires participants to take accountability, understand their impact on others and the community, develop empathy, cultivate insight, and, finally, to make amends. The participant’s engagement in these steps is essential to successful completion of Diversion. We believe that participant’s ownership of the restorative justice process creates more impactful outcomes than a process of imposed consequences. As such, all participants in Diversion must participate in a restorative justice process as part of meeting their program requirements.
Message the Provider
I have read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards:
I offer Restorative Justice Services statewide:
Why I don't offer Restorative Justice services statewide:
I offer Restorative Justice Training:
Facilitation Services 
- Community Group Conferences
- Family Group Conferences
- Victim Offender Dialogue
- Victim Offender Conference
- Hi-Impact Victim Offender Dialogue
- Family Group Decision Making
- Process addressing Drinking (e.g. ReThinking Drinking)
- Process addressing Substance Use (e.g. ReThinking Substances)
- Process addressing Shoplifting (e.g. ReStore)
- Circle Processes (Please specify below)
- School-Based Restorative Practices
Training Services 
- Other
Harm Addressed 
- Community conflict
- Family harm/parenting
- Racism/historical harm
- Bias-motivated harm
- Theft
- Traffic violations
- Crimes Against Persons
- Property crimes
- Substance related offenses
- Violent Crimes
- Victim Rights Act (VRA)
Who Can Make Refferals 
- Courts
Counties Served
Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, LincolnDISCLAIMER * Colorado Coordinating Council on Restorative Justice (RJ Council) is not a regulatory body. All information contained in the RJ Directory is self-reported and the RJ Council does not monitor, edit or attest to the accuracy of the information. Members are encouraged to update their information regularly. Users are encouraged review the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct and Standards of Training and Practice to understand the expectations of the field and consider this document when identifying and selecting a practitioner that will meet your