Mary-Claire Geiss
Restorative Justice Program Specialist
About My Services
The City of Fort Collins Mediation & Restorative Justice Services provides a voluntary opportunity for young people (age 10-22) who have committed eligible offenses to deal with their charge in a way that is meaningful to themselves and the community. The victim's perspective and needs are central to the process. Victims have a choice in their level of participation.
Message the Provider
I have read and agree to abide by the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct Standards:
I offer Restorative Justice Services statewide:
Why I don't offer Restorative Justice services statewide:
I offer Restorative Justice Training:
Facilitation Services 
- Community Group Conferences
- Victim Offender Dialogue
- Victim Offender Conference
- Hi-Impact Victim Offender Dialogue
- Process addressing Shoplifting (e.g. ReStore)
- Circle Processes (Please specify below)
Training Services 
- Conference Facilitator Training
- Volunteer and Community Member Training
- Restorative Justice 101 Awareness Training
Harm Addressed 
- Community conflict
- Family harm/parenting
- Racism/historical harm
- Bias-motivated harm
- Theft
- Crimes Against Persons
- Property crimes
- Victim Rights Act (VRA)
Who Can Make Refferals 
- Law Enforcement
- Courts
- Probation
- Prosecutors
- Victim Advocates
Counties Served
LarimerService Location
PO Box 580, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80522, United States
DISCLAIMER * Colorado Coordinating Council on Restorative Justice (RJ Council) is not a regulatory body. All information contained in the RJ Directory is self-reported and the RJ Council does not monitor, edit or attest to the accuracy of the information. Members are encouraged to update their information regularly. Users are encouraged review the Restorative Justice Facilitator Code of Conduct and Standards of Training and Practice to understand the expectations of the field and consider this document when identifying and selecting a practitioner that will meet your